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Tongguer Formation

Tongguer Fm


Age Interval: 
Middle Miocene (Serravallian), N1 , (12a)

Inner Mongolia

Type Locality and Naming

Central Inner Mongolia. Spock (29) didn’t assign its type section. Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources of Nei Mongol Autonomous Region (BGMRNMAR)(1996) assigned a lectostratotype for this formation. The lectostratotype is located at the “Huerguojinlahasha (? Huerguolajin) section” (E113°04′, N43°47′), northeast of the Tongguer (=Tung Gur) tableland, west of Sonid Zuoqi County, central Nei Mongol. It was named by Spock (1929), a member of the Central Asiatic Expedition (CAE) (1921~1925) organized by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH).

Synonym: Tung Gur Fm

Lithology and Thickness

There are two lithological types of the Tongguer Fm. In area of Huerguolajin, Moergen, Mandelin Chaba, Aoershun Chabu, “Wolf Camp”, and Zhunwuernan, its bottom is a layer of motley mudstone; its Lower part is characterized by greyish-white, greyish-green, and earthy brown mudstones and sandstones; its Middle part is formed by brick-red silty mudstones; its Upper part consists of greyish-white, yellowish-green, and light brown mudstones interbedded with muddy sandstones. In area of Tairum Nor, south of the Tongguer Tableland, its upper and lower parts are characterized by red mudstones, and its middle part consists of grey gravels. This formation contains abundant fossil charophytes, sporopollens, gastropods, mollusks, fishes, reptiles, and mammals. Its thickness is in range of 18~100 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Sandy claystone

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

In the type section, the Tongguer is unconformably contacts with its underlying Paleogene mudstones. In Tairum Nor area, the Tongguer Fm unconformably contacts with underlying Cretaceous basement rocks.

Upper contact

In the type section, the Tongguer Fm is overlain by the Holocene soils. Elsewhere, the next younger unit is the Baogedawula Fm.

Regional extent

This formation is widely distributed to area ranging Saihan Gobi, Sonid Zuoqi, Abaga Qi, Chagan Nor, Sonid Youqi, and Siziwang Qi, central Nei Mongol.




Bivalvia: Lamprotula mongolica. Sporopollens: Polypodiisporites, Pinuspollenites, Abietineaepollenites, Ephedripites, Salixipollenites, Cyrillaceaepollenites, Quercoidites minor, Q. microhenrici, Q. henrici, Q. sp., Betulaceoipollenites, Rutaceoipollis, Operculumpollis, Labitricolpites, Ulmoideipites, Ulmipollenites, Polypoddisporites, Pterocaryapollenites, Juglanspollenites, Caryapollenites, Tricolpopollenites, Tilobapollis, Chenopodipollis, Graminidites, Artemisiaepollenites, Compositoipollenites. (Wang, 1990)

Mammals: Mioechinus? gobiensis, Erinaceinae gen. et sp. indet., Proscapanus sp., Yanshuella sp., Quyania sp., Desmanella storchi, Talpidae gen. et sp. indet., Mongolosorex qiui, Soricinae gen. et sp. indet., Soricidae gen. et sp. indet., Chiroptera gen. et sp. indet., Distylomys tedfordi, Ayakozomys ultimus, Ansomys Borealis, A. lophodens, Tamias ertemetensis, Atlantoxerus orientalis, Atlantoxerus sp., Sinotamias primitivus, Orientiglis wuae, Miodyromys asiamediae, Keramidomys fahlbuschi, Leptodontomys gansus, L. lii, Anchitheriomys tungurensis, Monosaulax tungurensis, Hystricops mengensis, Sicista ertemteensis, Heterosminthus orientalis, Protalactaga grabaui, P. major, Democricetodon lindsayi, D. tongi, Sonidomys deligeri, Megacrietodon sinensis, Cricetodon fengi, Plesiodipus leei, P. progressus, Gobicricetodon flynni, G. robustus, Desmatolagus? moergenensis, Alloptox gobiensis, Bellatona forsythmajori, Plithocyon teilhardi, Pseudarctos sp., Amphicyon tairumensis, Gobicyon macrognathus, Leptarctus neimenguensis, Aelurocyon? sp., Sthenictis sp., Melodon? sp., Mionictis sp., Martes sp., Tungurictis spocki, Percrocuta tungurensis, Metailurus mongoliensis, Sansanosmilus sp., Serridentinus gobiensis, Platybelodon granger, Zygolophodon sp., Anchitherium gobiensis, Chalicotherium brevirostris, Acerorhinus zernowi, Hispanotherium tungurense, Rhinocerotidae indet., Listriodon mongoliensis, Kubanochoerus sp., Palaeotragus tungurensis, Stephanocemas thomsoni, Stephanocemas sp., Lagomeryx triacuminates, Euprox grangeri, Dicrocerus sp., Micromeryx sp., Turcoceros granger, T. noverca. (Qiu, 1996; Wang et al., 2003; Qiu and Li, 2016).


The Tongguer Fm and Fauna are the fundamentals of the chronostratigraphic unit Tunggurian Stage (Deng et al., 2007). The magnetic dating of the Tongguer Fm was interpreted as in range of 11.8~13 Ma (Wang et al., 2003) or 14.2~16.0 Ma (Deng et al., 2007). Recently, Qiu et al. (2013) reinterpreted that the Tongguer Fm spans at least chrons C5ABr to C5B (11.8~13.7 Ma). T. Deng et al. (2019; Neogene chapter of China Integrated Stratigraphy and Timescale) show the age span as lowest Langhian to mid-Serravallian (but with wavy unconformity boundaries).

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It is interpreted as a river-lake environment.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Tao Deng, Sukuan Hou, J.Z. Qigao, Q. Li, Q.Q. Shi, B.Y. Sun, S.Q. Wang, F.X. Wu